Monday, December 22, 2008

The Year of Discipleship

Are you satisfied with your spiritual walk and with your level of intimacy with God?
  • Yes? Then, may I ask how you are using that to spur others on to more growth?
  • No? So, what are your plans for increasing this intimacy and spiritual growth?
Could the answer to both 'yes' and 'no' be DISCIPLESHIP?

2009 – The year of discipleship at SAFMC! Of course this is an ‘unofficial’ declaration. My heart's desire is to see more and more people pursuing discipleship - for the sake of increased intimacy with God and for helping others in their spiritual walk.

If we love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength - if we love our neighbor as ourselves - if we go and make other disciples, teaching them to obey all God commands – then – then we are a disciple of Christ.

2009 Goals for discipleship:

  • provide basic grounding in God’s Word for new and growing Christians
  • teach & model the use of spiritual disciplines as tools to help us love the Lord our God more fully & rely more on the guidance of the Holy Spirit
  • promote spiritual accountability & character formation - which should increase our ability to love our neighbor as ourselves
  • develop or recruit new leaders/disciples who will teach and model what they know as they help make new disciples

2009 Strategy to increase discipleship at SAFMC:
  • All new attendees will be invited to join GC1 and GC2 which teach about the church’s vision, goals, beliefs, and membership. If your group is interested in going through this material as a group, please let me know.
  • Upon completing GC1 and GC2 attendees will be encouraged to spend a year in one of our Discipleship GROW Electives.
  • Out of these Discipleship GROW Electives new Community Groups will form.
  • Encourage existing Community Groups to take one year and focus on discipleship. Contact me for help in doing this.
  • If your Community Group is not yet ready for discipleship but wants more focus, I encourage you to use the church-wide Devotional that will be available January through May. This devotional will correspond to Pastor Mark’s sermons, give a scripture & prayer focus, share a testimonial or story, give some questions for discussion and activities for application.
2009 - How do you plan on growing closer to the Lord? How can you help others grow in their spiritual walk? Will you take time to seek God's guidance on answers to these questions?

1 comment:

  1. This is good stuff, pastor Sherrie. I'm looking forward to being real and being a little more vulnerable than is possible in a big Sunday setting. Thanks for setting the tone...

    Joel Miller
