Monday, April 27, 2009

Evil all around

Einstein is reputed to have said something like this. "Evil does not exist unto itself. Evil is simply the absence of God. It is just like darkness and cold; these are words man has created to describe the absence of light and heat. Evil is the word man has created to describe the absence of God. God did not create evil. Evil is the result of what happens when man does not have God's love present in his heart. It's like the cold that comes when there is no heat or the darkness that comes when there is no light."

So, what part of your life is dark? cold? evil?

What part of your life is lacking the presence of God?

Could it be that God has turned His face from some part of your soul? In His turning you are living in darkness, coldness, and some form of evil. It may appear that this darkness, coldness, loneliness, sadness, wrongness is the result of some other person's wrong behavior toward you. The question may need to be addressed - how are you responding to the issue/relationship that is causing the pain?

Answers to these questions - processes that result as we attempt to live in LIGHT, HEAT, LOVE - are the same processes that we call discipleship, spiritual formation, and the salvation of our soul.

Is there some part of your life in which you're ready to more deeply pursue God and His ways? I pray an eagerness, a burning passion for you in this pursuit.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Do you know we ALL have the talent to hear and respond to God b/c we're created with eternity in our hearts and in God's image?

The question is - Who Cares? we CARE that we have this ability? Do we cultivate it?

Why don't we walk in this talent? Why is it so hard to hear and respond to God?

This time after Easter, Pentecost, - the 50 days from Easter to the remembrance of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles & followers of Jesus - is a great time to think about and reflect upon our readiness and willingness to hear and respond to God.

Are you 'tuned in' to hear God's voice?'s how you can tell: are you walking in known sin? Are you harboring negative feelings that are clogging your ears & heart?

...really, do you CARE that you have the ability to hear & respond to God? Are you willing to sacrifice some of 'self' so you can better 'tune-in' to God?

Ask God to tell you what needs to be given up, given over, stopped or started in your life for you to hear Him better. I'm 'bettin' that some 'answers' will come into your head. If these thoughts require changes in you and they glorify God, it just might be that you're hearing God.

Now, what are you going to do with what you hear?

Monday, April 6, 2009


Key #12 = We serve and befriend our neighbors and invite them to know Christ.

Key #13 = We are attentive and responsive to suffering and injustice in the world.

Key #14 - We are informed, interested, and involved in the world Kingdom movement.

How do these keys look in our lives?... I mean the real nitty-gritty of it?

When is the LAST time you befriended a 'neighbor' and/or talked with them about Christ?

What are each of us doing to help right injustices of the world? Could it be a 'small' as being a better steward of natural resources: water, electricity, gasoline, wood, non-biodegradable 'stuff'. Could it help if I stop purchasing things made in parts of the world that use child-labor? There are many small ways we can be part of responding to suffering in addition to the prayer and money we may offer.

What is the world Kingdom movement? SAFMC does a remarkable job of oversees missionary and ministry support. Is there a next-step of involvement?

There is a constant need to check ourselves - our spiritual growth that shows in concrete, life-changing ways.

How are you (& thus your lifestyle) being transformed into the image of Christ?