Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Burning Bushes

In reading "Strengthening the Soul of your Leadership" by Ruth Barton, Exodus 3:2-4 has really jumped out at me. "There the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire out of a bush; he looked, and the bush was blazing, yet it was not consumed. Then Moses said, "I must turn aside and look at this great sight." When the Lord saw that he had turned aside to see, God called to him out of the bush."

God spoke to Moses only after Moses took time to 'turn aside and look' at the burning bush. The lesson for each of us is this: are we taking time to turn aside from the regular, incessant rhythm of our day and look at a burning bush in our own life? As stated by Barton, a burning bush is a most ordinary object that becomes extraordinary because it is on fire with divine activity.

The difficulty for many of us is that we are so busy dealing with life's urgent needs or with future thinking that we miss the ordinary elements of our life in which God is presently at work. If we do not take time to turn aside and look, we may be missing God's voice calling to us.

How does one turn aside and look? It probably looks a bit different for each of us. But I wonder if it always includes time of quieting one's soul. To quiet your soul you could begin by taking prayerful time to look at your life this past week. Name the ways God has been present in your life. If you're not remembering or seeing them ... ask God to remind you - they are there, we simply need to quiet ourselves to see them.

As we begin to see the burning bushes that existed in our life this past week - bushes that we didn't take time to turn aside and watch and wonder at - we can ask God what He intended us to hear/know/learn from Him. As we hear the Holy Spirit's counsel, wisdom, and guidance, our soul will respond. We become quieted and will more likely see other burning bushes in our lives...and thus maybe, just maybe, we'll hear God calling to us.

I encourage you... even challenge you to:
  • begin paying attention to the burning bushes in your life. Where and what is God doing presently - right now - with the ordinary things of your life?
  • How can you quiet your soul - how can you make time to turn aside and look, not only around you, but within you?
  • What is it God wants to speak to you.... about what is God calling out to you?

Thursday, July 16, 2009


So...when is the last time you've had to re-normalize part of your life reality? Some circumstances have changed that have forever altered what is now your 'norm'. We all know this is a natural part of life...a healthy aspect of character building and spiritual growth.

.....But it sure can be tough.

I tend to go into some moments (well days) of denial....then frustration or anger at the truth....and finally - ever so slowly - I begin to accept my new norm.

My biggest question has to be....God, who do you want me to be through this?

My statement to Him, " Lord, let it be to me as you say".

The Bible makes it pretty clear what He's all about becoming more like Christ, doing life the Jesus way, hearing and obeying the Holy Spirit's promptings.

During these changing times how are you becoming more like Christ?
What are you learning as you do life the Jesus way?
How willingly are you following the Holy Spirit's counsel?

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Busy-ness & Discipleship

I just read a friend's post on the funeral of another friend. I shed tears of sorrow - not for the death of this beloved person. This time my tears were more about the busy-ness of life. You see, this deceased friend ALWAYS had time for people, because he always had time with & for God. He lived a life of discipleship. He was always growing as a disciple of Christ; he was always discipling others as he lived a very full life.

Makes me confront what I already know. I'm too full of busy-ness. It's not my heart's desire. It seems like the only way to 'do' (i.e. accomplish/fulfill) what is 'expected' of me ....but certainly not by our Lord.

Strange thing is: others think I am discipling or speaking into their lives. That is my intent and my attempts. So how do I mesh these dichotomous realities? ....I don't. I simply accept that God works in me and sometimes through me to impact others for His glory. I accept that He wants to use me even more. However, I must manage my busy-ness so as to leave room for His work in me.

How busy are you? How is your intimacy factor with our Lord? How are you making yourself available to impact others for God?

Monday, May 18, 2009

Pure Spiritual Milk

This verse follows up with the message from Sunday May 17.

1 Peter 2:2
"Like newborn babies, CRAVE PURE SPIRITUAL MILK, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation...."

Notice that the bolded words are in the imperative mood - which expresses a command, prohibition, entreaty, or strong advice. Peter, guided by the Holy Spirit, is placing a strong entreaty - almost command - before us. He's telling us where we should be in the working out of our salvation. This is not meant to be an admonition, but a call to alertness.

Are you satisfied with how well you are loving God, others, and self?


If you want to talk about where you are and/or where you want to go....I'd enjoy talking with you via email, the phone or in person.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

a Franciscan Benediction

"May God bless you with discomfort at easy answers, half truths, and superficial relationships, so that you may live deep within your heart (deep in God's truths).

May God bless you with anger at injustice, oppression, and exploitation of people, so that you may work for justice, freedom and peace.

May God bless you with tears to shed for those who suffer from pain, rejection, starvation, and war, so that you may reach out your hand to comfort them and help turn their pain into joy.

And may God Bless you with enough foolishness to believe that you can make a difference in this world, so that you can do what others claim cannot be done."

I've appreciated this benediction for several years. I appreciate it even more when accompanied with the realization that the Holy Spirit's work in me allows for the living, working, comforting and doing needed to live in such a manner.

"The Spirit of Truth...will guide you into all truth....he will speak only what he hears,... He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you." John 16:12-15

"The Spirit helps us in our weakness. ....the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express." Romans 8:26

Back to my questions from 2 postings ago:
  • Are you hearing the voice of God?
  • Are you responding to that voice?
  • If not, why not?

Monday, April 27, 2009

Evil all around

Einstein is reputed to have said something like this. "Evil does not exist unto itself. Evil is simply the absence of God. It is just like darkness and cold; these are words man has created to describe the absence of light and heat. Evil is the word man has created to describe the absence of God. God did not create evil. Evil is the result of what happens when man does not have God's love present in his heart. It's like the cold that comes when there is no heat or the darkness that comes when there is no light."

So, what part of your life is dark? cold? evil?

What part of your life is lacking the presence of God?

Could it be that God has turned His face from some part of your soul? In His turning you are living in darkness, coldness, and some form of evil. It may appear that this darkness, coldness, loneliness, sadness, wrongness is the result of some other person's wrong behavior toward you. The question may need to be addressed - how are you responding to the issue/relationship that is causing the pain?

Answers to these questions - processes that result as we attempt to live in LIGHT, HEAT, LOVE - are the same processes that we call discipleship, spiritual formation, and the salvation of our soul.

Is there some part of your life in which you're ready to more deeply pursue God and His ways? I pray an eagerness, a burning passion for you in this pursuit.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Do you know we ALL have the talent to hear and respond to God b/c we're created with eternity in our hearts and in God's image?

The question is - Who Cares? we CARE that we have this ability? Do we cultivate it?

Why don't we walk in this talent? Why is it so hard to hear and respond to God?

This time after Easter, Pentecost, - the 50 days from Easter to the remembrance of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles & followers of Jesus - is a great time to think about and reflect upon our readiness and willingness to hear and respond to God.

Are you 'tuned in' to hear God's voice?'s how you can tell: are you walking in known sin? Are you harboring negative feelings that are clogging your ears & heart?

...really, do you CARE that you have the ability to hear & respond to God? Are you willing to sacrifice some of 'self' so you can better 'tune-in' to God?

Ask God to tell you what needs to be given up, given over, stopped or started in your life for you to hear Him better. I'm 'bettin' that some 'answers' will come into your head. If these thoughts require changes in you and they glorify God, it just might be that you're hearing God.

Now, what are you going to do with what you hear?

Monday, April 6, 2009


Key #12 = We serve and befriend our neighbors and invite them to know Christ.

Key #13 = We are attentive and responsive to suffering and injustice in the world.

Key #14 - We are informed, interested, and involved in the world Kingdom movement.

How do these keys look in our lives?... I mean the real nitty-gritty of it?

When is the LAST time you befriended a 'neighbor' and/or talked with them about Christ?

What are each of us doing to help right injustices of the world? Could it be a 'small' as being a better steward of natural resources: water, electricity, gasoline, wood, non-biodegradable 'stuff'. Could it help if I stop purchasing things made in parts of the world that use child-labor? There are many small ways we can be part of responding to suffering in addition to the prayer and money we may offer.

What is the world Kingdom movement? SAFMC does a remarkable job of oversees missionary and ministry support. Is there a next-step of involvement?

There is a constant need to check ourselves - our spiritual growth that shows in concrete, life-changing ways.

How are you (& thus your lifestyle) being transformed into the image of Christ?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Discontinuous Change

Key #10 “We steward our time, talents, and money for Kingdom purpose”

Key #11 “We exercise our unique, God-given gifts by serving the Body of Christ in at least one ministry.”

Pastor Mark has been preaching about stewardship since January. These keys speak to the same issue: as followers of Christ, we must reach out to others by using what God has given us.

Why is this Important?

· B/c we live in a world of discontinuous change – change which is disruptive and unanticipated

· In discontinuous change:

- working harder with one’s habitual skills and ways of working does not address the challenges being faced

- an unpredictable environment means new tools are needed

- there is no getting back to ‘normal’ as we have known it. We must create a ‘new normal’.

As I talk with ever more people I hear a similar theme: God is challenging us to sacrificially find common ground with non-Christians in an effort to form relationship with them. Relationships that help us live, love, serve, and teach the way Jesus did.

I’m eager to participate in what God is doing. I wonder what it might look like if we pooled our talents in an effort to more missionally and purposefully reach into Parma, Concord and Jackson with the love and Truths of Jesus.

Did you know that discontinuous change is dominant in periods of history that transform a culture forever, tipping it over into something new? Have you considered that God has placed you right where you are ‘for such a time as this’?

What Kingdom purpose has God placed on your heart? How can you use your talents, time, and money to live out that purpose within the church or within the larger community?

Monday, March 9, 2009

Next generation // servant-leaders

Key #8 says: "We model and cultivate Kingdom character and values for the next generation".
Key # 9: "Men assume their God-given role as servant leaders".

See the bible verses to the right that support these keys. Great verses! Good keys as based on those verses. eyes and heart focus on different phrases of the keys than those emphasized by the verses. Instead of thinking of children and fathers/husbands, I see 'next generation Christians' - our spiritual children & grandchildren. Do you have any?
I also see 'servant-leader' - a possible description of my relationship to these next-generation Christians. Do you see yourself as a servant-leader?

My heart is ever more pulled toward reaching out beyond the walls of SAFMC. The bolded words speak to this pull - this desire. I believe that as we deepen our relationship & intimacy with Jesus as Lord (i.e. become stronger disciples of Christ), we will be unable to resist this pull to reach out to a new generation of Christians through being servant-leaders.
The questions now become:
  • In what venue can we form relationship with a next generation Christian?
  • How can we be a servant-leader while modeling the love of the Lord to these next-generation Christians?
I have a couple of ideas floating in my head and heart on how we, as a church, might do this:
  • offer workshops on finances, job searching, parenting, marriage, anger management, health issues, etc.etc. These workshops would be free to the community. At the conclusion of the workshops, information can be available for further help in these areas via church ministries.
  • take these workshops into different locations closer to the 'next generation' we are trying to reach rather than having them come to the church
  • up our involvement with the weatherization effort that already exists in the community
  • as individuals, offer servant-leadership through volunteering in the schools, library or other public locations in which we can make a difference
  • as a Community Group choose a venue in which we can reach out to the next generation Christians around us
Via the comment section below, would you consider sharing some of your ideas of how we, as a church, can better reach the next generation of Christians in the Jackson, Parma, and Concord areas ... ane how we can more effectively be servant/leaders while glorifying God's name?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Love & Grace

Worship - Grow - Connect - Serve - Go
Connect- We were made for community; we were created to connect with others.
"Above all, love each other deeply" 1 Peter 4:8
Key #6 - We practice love and grace.
Key #7 - We honor and protect the covenant of marriage.

Key #6 makes me think of missions month here at SAFMC. The concept of finding and reaching out to others through some common ground grows more tangible for me each week. I'm challenging my self - and you - to find the common ground that exists with neighbors, co-workers, parents of our children's friends, or others loosely connected to our lives. Is there a potential common ground that can be fostered so as to develop a relationship with someone who does not yet know Jesus as Savior & Lord? Without some common ground, how can I extend biblical love and grace to them? Are we praying for these people? Are we asking God to show us ways to practice love and grace in our contacts with them?

Key #7 can, in some ways, be connected to key #6. If I am not practicing love and grace in my most intimate of relationships, how can I honestly do so with others? By practicing love and grace within the marriage, I will most definitely be honoring and protecting the covenant of marriage. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 is one of the most specific guidelines I can use to check how well I am loving and extending grace. When is the last time you gave yourself a 'check-up' in the area of love & grace, and in honoring and protecting your marriage covenant?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

God's Word and our world view - which shapes which?

Key # 5 = The Bible shapes our view of the world.

Hmm…does it? Does the Bible really shape my view of the world?...or is the world shaping my view of the Bible? …or are my religious views shaping my world view?

Characteristics of God’s Word:

Is 55:11 will not return empty
Jer 15:16 food
Jer. 23:29 fire
Jer. 23:30 hammer
Ps 107:20 Jesus/healing
Ps. 119: 130 light
Prov 24:13 honey
Prov 30:5 flawless
Jn 17:17 truth
Heb 4:12 living & active, sharp, divides
Eph 5:26 washes us

I guess that what strikes me is that God’s Word changes ME - MY attitudes, beliefs, emotions, behaviors, speech. If I really let God's Word chnange me, my view of the world becomes less judgmental, less critical, and less negative. It becomes a view of hope in the Lord, compassion toward others, growing purity within.

As I look at God’s Word and how it changes my view of the world, it begs the question:
How can I reach out – how can I be an instrument to help fulfill the Great Commission - without making distinctions between evangelism, personal holiness, and social transformation? - without making God’s Word a bunch of religious do’s and don’ts?

Am I letting the Bible shape my view of the world? Or, am I letting my cultural Christianity shape my view of the world?

"Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the world of truth." 2 Tim 2:15

Monday, February 16, 2009

hunger and thirst

KEY # 4 = We hunger and thirst for righteousness and purity, cultivating an appetite for all that is right, lovely, and true.

My thoughts:

…do I crave and yearn enough for righteousness that my life is shaped by this hunger?

…am I dehydrated enough that I can only think about quenching my thirst through righteousness & purity?

…does my hungering and thirsting compel me to seek righteousness – to seek that which is upright and in right standing with God?

…what will my hungering and thirsting for purity look like – wholesomeness, decency, propriety in the depths of my being?

….am I cultivating – am I nurturing and fostering, focusing on with great energy – all that is right, lovely, and true?

Philippians 4: 8 is a sieve through which I try to pass all thoughts, attitudes, and behavior. I envision these words as multi-layers of a filter in a very large sieve:








Each thought, reminiscence, and self-talk must pass through all the layers of the filter before they are ones I permit myself to ponder, play with, and think about. Success occurs when I take captive those thoughts that cannot make it through all layers and then I refuse to give them credibility. At times this is a difficult process. But the process becomes easier as I practice it every day.

If someone who does not know me were to listen to and watch me for a week, what would they think I hunger and thirst for? What would they see me cultivating in my life?

How would someone answer these questions about your life?

Monday, February 9, 2009

living by the Spirit

Worship – Grow – Connect – Serve – Go

GROW – We want to know and practice the Way of Jesus.

To be a Christian is to be ‘formed in the likeness of God’s Son’ (2 Cor 3:18) and to ‘walk as Jesus did’ (1 Jn 2;60). This is our life pursuit, to know Christ and to become His apprentices. The life that we have in Christ cannot be gained apart fro the Holy Spirit’s work in us, yet also not without intentionality, effort, and sacrifice on our part.

This translates into:

  • a life of study of God’s Word
  • the practice of living that Word
  • the practice of service to others
  • obedience - a willingness - a choice - to walk in the change that occurs within me as God’s Word reveals Truth, heals, and transforms me

…. this can only occur through listening to and following the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Key #3 - We live by the Spirit, seeking God’s presence and power to live, love, and serve like Jesus.

“Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” Galatians 5:25

  1. Am I really living by the Spirit?
  2. How do I know if I am or not?
  3. How do I keep step with the Spirit? – What’s that look like?

· So, how are you doing? How regularly are you living by the Spirit?

· What needs to transpire in your life so you can more consistently live by the Spirit?

· Are you talking about these things in your Community Group or with your spiritual friends?

One of my biggest frustrations and sadnesses is the seeming reluctance of many Christians to acknowledge the wonderful presence of the Holy Spirit within our lives. It's as if we're embarrassed, concerned about being too religious or too extreme, afraid of what we'll learn and be called to. The Holy Spirit is my comforter, counselor, convicter, revealer of Truth. How I cherish God's presence through the Holy Spirit in me. How I dread to live without His very real presence.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Why Pray?

Worship – we are created for God’s glory and purpose

Key 2 = We seek the Lord’s presence, guidance, and power through fervent, effective prayer. – 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Why DO we pray? If most of us are really honest we pray b/c we are seeking God’s intervention in a situation or relationship so that life will be better for us or someone else. Right? … Indeed, we are taught in Scripture - through example and directly - that we ARE to ask of the Lord. We innately know, though, that asking is not the end of prayer – nor it’s primary purpose.

There is much excellent reading and teaching on prayer as a spiritual discipline for the purpose of bringing me into more intimacy with God. Amen to that! I wonder though, doesn’t Scripture also show us that prayer releases the power of God to accomplish His purposes? Could it be that one of the primary purposes of prayer is to discover God’s will, not obligate Him to do mine; to reflect God’s mind not change it? Without prayer as part of my essential elements to living, I cannot live a Christ-focused, God-worshipping life.

Challenge Questions:

1. Am I willing to seek God’s glory and purpose when praying, rather than seeking my own satisfaction and happiness?

2. Am I willing to seek God to such a degree that my heart knows and holds His will, so that when I pray from the deepest desires of my heart, I am praying the desires of God?

Monday, January 19, 2009

Glorifying God

Worship – Grow – Connect – Serve – Go

These are the 'Five Investments of a Great Commandment/Great Commission Disciple" as identified by our church. Under each Investment, 2 or 3 “keys to maturity’ have been identified to help focus us in our spiritual journey. I want to look at each of these keys over the next several months and see what they have to do with discipleship and our lives.

Worship – We are created for God’s glory and purpose. “Worship the Lord with gladness.” Psalm 100:5 ---

Key #1 - We glorify God in all things. Romans 12:1-2

As I read and reflect on the Romans 12: 1-2 passage, a series of questions run through my mind for the purpose of self-accountability. They help me gauge how I’m doing as a disciple of Christ.

Reflection Questions:

1. Am I glorifying God in how I use my body? Do I exhibit a desire to be holy and pleasing to God in:
· what I eat
· how I rest – how balanced I keep my life
· what nonfood substances I put into my body
· what message I give about my sexuality/sensuality
· how fit I keep my body

2. Do I conform to the world or to Jesus' way in:
· Use of my time
· Use of my talents/experiences/training
· Words coming from my mouth (out of the heart the mouth speaks)
· Judgments I make against someone
· My private thought life/ my self-talk
· Assumptions or preconceived ideas I hold

3. How is my mind being transformed?
· How much of God’s Word am I putting into my mind
· Am I letting God’s Truth replace my reality truths
· Is God’s forgiveness and healing replacing my wounds and unforgiveness
· Is grace replacing bitterness
· How well do I listen to God

You know what? In some of these areas I’ve made significant progress. In some, I have a ways to go.

SO…how well are you glorifying God in all things? How would God want you to change? In what areas can you give thanks for growth? Who has permission to ask you such questions?

Glorifying God in all things
– this is definitely a reflection of my walk as a disciple of Christ. The above questions are good for accountability within spiritual friendships and with anyone I am discipling. Yep…key #1 is definitely connected to my discipleship process.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


In the preceding post I stated I want to Encourage existing Community Groups to take one year and focus on discipleship. I’d like to speak to that for a minute.

For the past few years the DNA of Community Groups has been C.A.R.E. Most – if not all – groups have done a superb job of CARE-ing for the needs of their group members. We want to continue with that same quality of CARE within our groups. However, as we expand the definition of some of the letters of this acronym, we will find ourselves focusing on discipleship as well.

  • C = Caring for the tangible needs your group. This is what has been done with excellence!
  • A = Accountability for members of the group to be growing in:
    • Knowledge of God through His Word, Holy Spirit, prayer, and intimacy with Jesus
    • Changed behavior or life style because of this increased knowledge
  • R = Replication of Christ in us - in all our relationships with others
  • E = Equipping us to continue our spiritual growth toward becoming Kingdom People
A –Accountability to:
  • time in God’s Word
  • listening to Holy Spirit
  • living a life of prayer
  • increasing my intimacy with Jesus through various spiritual disciplines
  • Scripture memory

Here’s the CHALLENGE: which item under accountability can you incorporate into your regular meeting that is not presently part of what you do? Try it this month and see how it changes the tone of your meetings and discussions. I’m betting you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

A FAVOR to ask: please let me know how it goes as you 'up' the accountability within your class, group, or fellowship. You can comment here, via email, or phone call.